Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Milking Mommas

As a breast feeding mom, there were moments of confusion, disappointment and many questions on how and what to do. First off, my daughter came three weeks early and on a Friday right before I was to take a breastfeeding class that weekend. Not to mention the lactation nurse was gone for the weekend.  So there I was stranded... No clue or reality on what I was to be doing other than simply pop the baby on and let them eat. Ha! If only it were that simple to a newbie mom. Eventually and with the help of a few nurses I got the hang of it.  My next barrier was, am I producing enough? She still seems hungry! Oh by the way I gave birth to a 9lb 2oz baby... so you can only imagine what those chubby cheeks could chow down on! :)

Now, let's talk milk supply!  To some this comes very naturally, all utters set to go. To others it takes a lot of work to be in full production mode. Don't be discouraged! With the help of some amazing ladies at a mothers group  (although I no longer breast feed as she is a toddler now) I have compiled a very helpful list of tips and tricks.

 First and foremost, make sure that you are drinking enough WATER through out the entire day.

1. Fenugreek

2. Brewers Yeast ( If you don't like the taste of this, putting it into a smoothie can work miracles) I have
used this and have had many other moms swear by this that it ups the supply very quickly.

3. Oatmeal  Not the instant packet kind, but the good stuff that you cook over the stove. I know time is limited as a new mommy but that's what Hubby's and friends are for :)

4. Raspberry tea leaf

5. Wheat grass

Also pump as much as possible, if you can nurse on one side and pump on the other at the same time, this should help as well.

The more you stress about it, the harder it's going to be to have your body relax and be able to produce.

Don't be discouraged by the amount that you pump, know that a baby is tens times more effective than a pump is at getting the milk out.

Hope this helps!!

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